Christmas houses

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    Immerse your house in Christmas magic with our large collection of Christmas decor. As you probably already imagine, Christmas houses are excellent decorative elements to attract the eyes of your guests. In our shop, you are lucky to Find a whole selection of Christmas houses. We offer adorable Wooden Christmas Houses, recalling the northern chalets. To put a little light and heat, you can also opt for a Christmas bright house. Each Christmas house in our catalog has its particularity and gives you the opportunity to complete your Christmas decoration. By opting for our range of Miniature Christmas Houses, you are sure to illustrate the Christmas spirit at home. And for an even more complete Christmas decor, do not hesitate to add small accessories around your Christmas house!

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    Choose and decorate your holiday season with small Christmas houses

    The decorations are essential elements to create a festive atmosphere at Christmas. To get a magical rendering, the smallest details are important. They highlight the whole, it is important to choose original articles to enhance your interior. You must then associate the different elements, such as Christmas animals with Christmas light decorations, and make the decor of your dream.

    Whether in the area of ​​housing, furnishings, games and toys or other hobbies, wood has become a safe and popular value. This is why we offer you, among a set of products, Typical Christmas houses for the holiday season.

    Christmas house: a great Christmas decoration idea

    Somewhere in Lapland, a chalet lost in a large expanse of snow. There, while the end of the year is approaching, works the spirit of Christmas. An image synonymous with tradition and authenticity. She also describes the cocoon, the family inter-self. Reproducing this warm atmosphere during this period can be expensive. We offer you a Range of Christmas houses Who delight young and old, in order to refine your Christmas decor. From the small wooden Christmas house hanging on a branch of fir tree at the bright Christmas of good size on the fireplace, you have the possibility of acquiring Christmas houses not too expensive, solid and of good quality.

    What are the Christmas house models in the Silumen catalog?

    For Choose your Christmas house And build your decoration project, you can take ideas on current trends. Depending on your preferences and the contexts of your daily life, you have the possibility of choosing a particular theme for your Christmas decoration for the house. If you like the natural theme, choose wooden Christmas houses and select the corresponding Christmas decorations and objects. Here are the two main types of models of small Christmas houses that we offer.

    Miniature Christmas Houses

    To embellish your interior for the holiday season, you can opt for Miniature Christmas Houses. The size of these decorative objects allows you to easily arrange them under the Christmas tree, on a pedestal table or on your table runner. The dimensions of miniature Christmas houses Vary from 8 cm for the smallest to more than 20 cm for large and adapt to all interiors, young and old.

    Some models of miniature Christmas houses have LED bulbs to celebrate in an even more magical atmosphere. You can also opt for animated miniature Christmas houses to amaze the whole family. To create a real miniature Christmas village, you have the opportunity to choose several Christmas houses. Do not hesitate to leaf through our catalog to find the miniature Christmas house model that suits you the best.

    Wooden Christmas Houses

    A Wooden house for Christmas decoration is perfect for those who are looking for an old and authentic appearance, the color of oak or poplar wood. The architectural aspect of Wooden Christmas Houses Expresses a Scandinavian touch. The roofs denote a fluffy snow. In small size (13 cm), they can perfect the decoration of your guest table.

    A model that is more appreciated near the tree is probably the wooden house 5 LEDs with a height of 50 cm, whose simplicity nevertheless reveals small details and transforms it into an object full of life. Of course you have the choice of less imposing models which can possibly complement the wooden villages also for sale in our shop.

    Christmas bright houses

    THE Christmas bright houses are equipped with LED bulbs, the number of which varies between 1 and 15 depending on the model. Fucked by AA/ LR6 batteries, they consume little energy. A discreet, closed and secure compartment avoids the degradation of the wires. They emit a lighting color Warm white from the interior of the Christmas houses that mix with the color of the wood. The aesthetic result is striking and suggests that there is a life inside, they suggest a warm home.

    If you are looking for a decoration with more colorful lights, it would be better to orient yourself towards Christmas houses with RGB LED (red, green, blue).

    Additional features and options to choose your favorite Christmas Home Home

    There is a wide variety of design and options in our range of Christmas houses. It is up to you to choose the one that suits you. Here is everything you need to know about the characteristics of our Christmas houses to perfect your Christmas decor.

    The snowy Christmas house

    There snowy wooden, due to its size, is the ideal Christmas house to accompany the garlands of your tree or decorate your Christmas Eve table. With a cord, it can also be suspended or placed on the support of your choice. You can Buy a snowy Christmas house In three different versions: Santa Claus and his hood, Santa Claus and his sled or a child on a sledge. Passe-share, their small size allow as much to decorate the branches of the tree, to enhance the pots of your plants, or, because they are not too expensive Christmas houses, to make a DIY garland. If you want a more imposing decoration house, there is also the gray wooden wooden house. Equipped with a 5 LED device, you get a very beautiful winter decor.

    Calendar Christmas House

    THE Calendar Christmas Houses accompany you throughout the year. Their bases have two compartments with a numbered cube in each. Just turn them to indicate the date of the day! These are available in two forms. The first, classic, is available in three sets: Santa Claus near the tree, the snowman and the reindeer in the forest. The second, in addition to being bright is also musical. With her winding key located at the back of her base, she rocks your guests with a soft impeccable melody for the festivities and may be One of the best Christmas houses. The pop-up style effect offers him a beautiful visual depth. This little Christmas house reveals a setting that swarming with details that are not detected at first glance.

    RGB bright house

    Due to its RGB color combination, this Illuminated Christmas House Lets show a whole range of colors ranging from deep red to dark green to finally become multicolored. There RGB Christmas House is a real chameleon that will go perfectly with the colorful tones of your tree, RGB LED garlands, and is suitable for a dim light atmosphere.

    House with Santa Claus

    This little Christmas house presents a joyful Santa Claus in front of gifts lets the light and the color of your interior garlands penetrate. Due to its white fir trees and stars decorated with glitter, the House with Santa Claus Miniature integrates the desired light atmosphere and blends into the decor of your wooded furniture.

    Where to set up my house for Christmas decoration inside my home?

    Once you have chosen the model that suits you, you have to think about the best method to arrange everything, in order to materialize your ideal Christmas decoration. When you have chosen your theme, it will be easier for you to marry the Christmas houses with all of your decorative elements. Here is in which houses you can for example Install your houses for Christmas decoration.

    On the window sill

    During the end of year celebrations, we are a lot to decorate our windows with garlands or carbon dioxide. By judiciously placing a Wooden Christmas House on the edge of your window So imagined, you will get a winter and festive decor. In addition, if these Christmas houses celebrate this annual opportunity, these Wooden Christmas decorations However, remain dedicated to agree with a plant. Refleted placement will make them agree with your plants, and that in all seasons.

    The fireplace

    The chimney edges are often where there are the most traditional objects such as oil lamps or weight swings. The wooden Christmas homes will be able to integrate perfectly into this set, by their rustic and authentic side. They also make a beautiful complement near a candlestick, lit by the lights of candles

    Under the tree

    There decoration of a tree Aims to enhance the tree and the gifts around which the whole family meets. It is customary to install the traditional crèche devoted to the Nativity. Christmas houses, by sobriety, know how to preserve all these aspects while respecting your values ​​and convictions. With A set of cheap Christmas houses, you have the possibility of designing an attractive tree for the eye and rich in decorative objects.

    The library

    A library filled with books is beautiful in itself, nevertheless works with somewhat austere slices deserves a slight embellishment. A small Christmas house would soften your bindings. Buying a Christmas house is also buying a decoration for the whole year.

    The bedside table of a child's room

    The December celebrations barely over, children already keep nostalgia. Why not offer them the Christmas spirit 365 days a year? Bright houses can still be used as a night light and stimulate imagination before sleep. These Christmas light decorations can get better with doll houses.

    The kitchen table

    Small Christmas houses find their place in the center of your kitchen table. It is the day after Christmas or the periods of rough winter that will be tasted all around the sharing of a hot chocolate milk or the good smell of a coffee.

    In the end, whatever your project, just harmonize the elements of your decoration to establish the Christmas spirit. Remember to take inspiration from the trend or your passions to personalize your whole decoration. The main thing is to succeed in dressing your interior with the atmosphere of your choice. In your approach, it is important to Place the Christmas house in the center of your decor. Thus, you highlight the theme you want to highlight, bringing a specific touch to your work. To do this, find the model you need with your specialist in this area, Silumen. You are spoiled for choice to select the centerpiece of your Christmas scene.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Pour créer une ambiance de Noël chaleureuse et magique, rien ne vaut une décoration soigneusement choisie. Les déco de Noël pour la maison jouent un rôle clé en invitant l'esprit des fêtes dans votre intérieur. Parmi les incontournables, les maisons de Noël miniatures, avec leurs détails féeriques et leur illumination douce, transforment n'importe quel espace en un paysage hivernal enchanté. Disposées sur une étagère, une table ou au pied du sapin, elles captent le regard et émerveillent, renforçant cette atmosphère festive tant recherchée. Associez-les à des guirlandes scintillantes et des bougies parfumées pour une expérience immersive complète.

    Décorer sa maison pour Noël est une tradition joyeuse qui apporte chaleur et convivialité. Pour une déco de Noël pour la maison réussie, variez les plaisirs avec un assortiment de décorations festives. Commencez par accueillir vos invités avec une couronne de Noël sur la porte d'entrée. À l'intérieur, dressez un sapin étincelant de lumières et orné de boules colorées et de guirlandes. Ajoutez une touche d'authenticité avec des petites maisons de Noël en bois, créant un village miniature sur votre buffet ou votre cheminée. N'oubliez pas les textiles de saison, comme des coussins thématiques et des jetés douillets, pour compléter l'atmosphère chaleureuse. Enfin, dispersez des bougies parfumées et des branches de houx pour parfaire cette ambiance festive.

    Les meilleures décorations de Noël sont celles qui créent une atmosphère chaleureuse et invitent à la magie des fêtes. Au sein de la déco de Noël pour la maison, les incontournables incluent les guirlandes lumineuses qui apportent éclat et féerie à votre intérieur. Les sapins de Noël, majestueux, décorés de boules brillantes et de rubans, restent le point central de la décoration traditionnelle. Pour une touche originale, pensez aux maisons lumineuses de Noël, qui illuminent délicatement votre pièce et captivent les regards avec leurs détails minutieux. Les couronnes de porte, les centres de table composés de pommes de pin et de bougies, et les figurines de Père Noël ou de rennes ajoutent également une dimension festive et accueillante à votre décoration de Noël.