Waterproof LED Crossbings

30 products

    To support you in your lighting projects, servants or professionals, Silumen offers you its selection of Waterproof LED strips. In this range, you will find several watertight models and sizes of contribution which are used to protect your neon tubes so that you enjoy powerful lighting safely. With a very high protection index, our waterproof LED strips offer optimal protection to your neon lights, against dust and water projections, it is ideal for accompanying you in various activities and avoiding all kinds of accidents. Opt for quality, durable and safe lighting with our Best Watertight Controls Silumen and enjoy the power of the LED without having to ruin yourself by ordering on our site. Also discover our range of LED Crossfalls Silumen with various types of chips including Shapes with detector and the Controls with emergency light To make your life easier.

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    Light up wetlands with a waterproof LED rule

    There LED Réglette is an efficient lighting solution, suitable for several types of places, for professionals and individuals. It exists in several formats and several light intensities to allow you to find the perfect light for your spaces. This industrial lighting Replaces the old fluorescent tubes and offers you a better lifespan and a reduction in your electricity consumption.

    To illuminate high -moisture places or the exterior of a house, Silumen has meticulously designed a range Waterproof LED Crossbings, fitted with a protection index that allows them to withstand water and dust.

    What is a waterproof LED rule?

    Shapes are discreet but efficient lights. Thanks to their rather elongated shape, they settle easily in cupboards, above a mirror and also in a large garage to bring a source of light.

    LED strips consist of a long reinforcement in which SMD LEDs are integrated. This technology makes it possible to obtain a much more economical and more efficient lighting than the old fluorescent regulations. They also have an exceptional lifespan, up to 50,000 hours depending on the model you choose.

    If you need to light up a damp room such as your bathroom, choose a IP65 Waterproof LED Réglet. Its reinforcement is waterproof and protects the LEDs against a possible intrusion of dust, or projections of water. It is therefore a choice that is essential in any wet environment, and can be installed outdoors.

    In what type of zone to install a waterproof LED rule?

    Siluman waterproof LED LEDs have been designed for various uses. Thanks to their sober design, it is easy to introduce them into a room or room, because they adapt to several types of places. Its reinforcement is fine, and its white color makes it all the more discreet.

    Whether for professional premises or a room in your home, order at Silumen to offer you The best waterproof LEDs!

    Illuminate your professional premises thanks to waterproof LEDs

    The lighting installed in professional premises must be efficient and safe. This is why Siluman Waterproof LEDs are an ideal choice. Thanks to their IP65 protection index, they perfectly resist dust which is therefore not likely to introduce themselves. This makes them ideal for warehouses and work areas.

    There IP65 certification of Waterproof ControlsAlso protects them against pressure water jets from all directions. They therefore fear neither the rain nor the small splashes that can occur during work or in a factory. If you want to light up a wet room such as a washing station, also consider getting cheap waterproof LED LEDs at Silumen.

    Take advantage of the Siluma Silumen Waterdown LED LED Controlles

    Professional and industrial premises are not the only places that require powerful and waterproof lighting. Indeed, Siluman Waterproof Shapes are also an ideal choice to make your parts shine without worrying about water and dust.

    To enlighten your kitchen, you can get LED waterproof and place them above the worktop or sink. You can also install it in the bathroom above a mirror or as a main starter. If your garage needs more light, do not hesitate to place a waterproof LED rule.

    A bright exterior thanks to the waterproof LED strips

    The protection index (IP65) of Waterproof LEDs that Silumen offers you make them perfectly adapted to outdoor use. You therefore have the possibility of lighting your outdoor garden or a construction site, without worrying about weather conditions (rain, wind, dust).

    By ordering a waterproof rule to light up your courtyard, you can choose between three lighting colors (cold white, neutral white and warm white) according to the result you want to obtain. For a lighting tone that approaches daylight, it is advisable to choose a Neutral white waterproof LED LED.

    What are the different models of waterproof LEDs?

    To give you more choices, Silumen offers Several types of waterproof LEDs. They all have IP65 certification which guarantees their sealing.

    Choose the waterproof length ideal for your installation

    Siluma Water LEDs are available in several lengths, to choose depending on the use and the space you want to install them. A model of Waterproof LED Réglet 60 cm or 90 cm is a Good choice of LED waterproof length length To enlighten you in the bathroom at the mirror and sink. Longer models, Waterproof peak 120 cm And the 150 cm waterproof LED rule, are perfect for lighting large rooms. At Silumen, you can get inexpensive waterproof LEDs in pack of 10 lighting a warehouse or a factory.

    Siluman waterproof LED strips: several light intensities

    By helping you with our Practical advice on light intensity, you can find on Siluman the best waterproof LED rule, perfect for your lighting needs. Indeed, according to your use (main lighting of small or large room, light for garden) and according to parameters such as the color of your walls, the light intensity you need is different. You can find above LED 60W Waterproof Controls, as well as alternatives with softer light (20W or 2000 Lumens) to install above the sink.

    The options of our Waterproof Controls

    Silumen also offers you Empty waterproof strips that you can use with T8 neon tubes if you already have them and want to use them outdoors.

    Opt for the Interconnectable waterproof LED ruleFor a light installation that runs along a corridor or the metal frames in a warehouse.

    To have a light that lights up without having to touch a switch when you are busy in the kitchen, remember to get a Waterproof LED rule with a motion detector.

    If you need several copies of waterproof LEDs, several models are directly offered in packs to allow you to save money.

    How to install the Silumen waterproof LED rule?

    Before starting all Waterproof LED LED Settlement, it is necessary to cut the current to guarantee your safety. An Siluma Silume LED LED rule is supplied with fixing tools to facilitate its implementation. To install it, simply follow the following steps:

    - Determine the location of your waterproof rule.

    - Mark the fixing spacing.

    - Drill the hanging points and insert the ankles.

    - Install the waterproof LED rule and screw it properly.

    - Insert the neon tube and close the rule (in the case of an empty box).

    - Return the current and Check the operation of the waterproof LED rule.

    If you want to get cheap waterproof LEDs and install them in specific places such as garage or kitchen, you can help your guides on How to install a LED rule in the kitchen And How to install a LED rule in the garage, available on our site.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Pour choisir une réglette LED étanche adaptée à vos besoins, il est essentiel de comprendre les différents niveaux d'étanchéité disponibles. Ces niveaux sont définis par l'indice de protection (IP), qui indique le degré de résistance de l'équipement aux intrusions de corps solides et de liquides. Chez Silumen, nous proposons des réglettes lumineuses étanches avec les indices suivants :

    • IP44 : offre une protection contre les objets de plus de 1 mm et les éclaboussures d'eau. Ce niveau convient pour des installations dans des zones où l'eau ne constitue pas une menace constante, comme les cuisines ou les garages.
    • IP65 : assure une protection totale contre les poussières et les jets d'eau de toutes directions. Cette réglette LED est idéale pour les zones humides ou extérieures, comme les ateliers ou les terrasses couvertes.
    • IP66 : propose une protection similaire à l'IP65 mais avec une résistance accrue aux jets d'eau puissants. Parfait pour les endroits soumis à des nettoyages fréquents ou à des conditions météorologiques extrêmes.

    Pour commander la réglette LED étanche qui répond parfaitement à vos exigences de protection et de durabilité, n'hésitez pas à choisir le niveau d'indice de protection adapté à votre environnement d'installation.

    Pour garantir la longévité de vos réglettes lumineuses étanches, un entretien approprié est crucial. Voici quelques conseils pratiques pour maintenir vos réglettes LED étanches en excellent état :

    • Nettoyage régulier : nettoyez régulièrement la surface de la réglette avec un chiffon doux et sec pour enlever la poussière. Si nécessaire, utilisez un chiffon légèrement humide pour éliminer les saletés plus tenaces, mais évitez les solvants chimiques qui pourraient endommager le revêtement.
    • Vérification des joints : inspectez périodiquement les joints d'étanchéité pour vous assurer qu'ils ne présentent pas de fissures ou de signes de vieillissement. Remplacez les joints endommagés pour maintenir un haut niveau d'étanchéité.
    • Contrôle de l'installation : assurez-vous que l'installation reste conforme aux spécifications du fabricant. Un mauvais montage peut compromettre l'étanchéité et l'efficacité de la réglette.
    • Éviter les surchauffes : bien que les réglettes LED soient conçues pour minimiser la production de chaleur, assurez-vous qu'elles sont installées dans un endroit bien ventilé. Une bonne circulation de l'air contribue à réduire le risque de surchauffe et prolonge la durée de vie de l'éclairage.

    En suivant ces étapes simples, vous maximiserez la durabilité de vos réglettes LED étanches et profiterez d'un éclairage optimal sur le long terme. Pensez à choisir et à commander des produits de qualité pour éviter les maintenances fréquentes et garantir une meilleure performance.

    Les réglettes LED étanches sont effectivement conçues pour être polyvalentes, ce qui les rend idéales tant pour un usage intérieur qu'extérieur. Voici quelques points clés à considérer :

    • Adaptabilité aux environnements : grâce à leur conception étanche, ces réglettes lumineuses résistent bien aux conditions météorologiques variables, ce qui les rend parfaites pour l'extérieur, comme les jardins, les terrasses ou les façades de bâtiments.
    • Protection contre l'humidité et la poussière : leur indice de protection (IP) élevé garantit que les réglettes LED sont protégées contre l'intrusion de poussière et d'eau, ce qui est crucial pour les applications en extérieur.
    • Utilisation intérieure : à l'intérieur, elles sont également très utiles dans les zones humides ou poussiéreuses, telles que les cuisines, les salles de bain, les garages ou les caves. Leur étanchéité empêche la vapeur d'eau et la poussière de pénétrer, ce qui assure un fonctionnement optimal et une sécurité accrue.

    Pour résumer, choisir une réglette LED étanche est une solution excellente pour ceux qui recherchent un éclairage durable et sécurisé, capable de résister aux défis des environnements intérieurs et extérieurs. N’hésitez pas à consulter notre catalogue pour commander la réglette LED qui correspondra le mieux à vos besoins spécifiques.