Connected thermostats

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    Uniformly control the temperature of your parts without having to move thanks to our Connected heating. Thanks to the connected thermostat, you just need your smartphone or tablet. Indeed, Silumen guarantees that by installing an intelligent thermostat, you simplify your life. Using your Internet network, the WiFi thermostat is intelligent. The connected thermostat allows you to adjust from anywhere the temperature of your home. You also find smart thermostat models for any type of heating, for example Connected thermostats for electric radiator where the Connected thermostats for boiler. Among these, Silumen offers you Connected thermostats for gas boiler. And do not forget that for any purchase greater than € 59.90, delivery is offered. Do not hesitate, Order the best online connected thermostats And make important energy savings!

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    How to choose and use a connected thermostat purchased on

    Intelligent devices are increasingly present in our daily lives. In the field of domestic heating, connected thermostats offer many possibilities to make your life easier. Silumen has selected for you The best thermostats connected with various functions.

    The connected thermostat: an essential element in the installation of a smart heating system

    In a heating system, the thermostat plays a control role. It receives on your part an instruction: the desired temperature. As long as this temperature is not reached, it commands your boiler to stay on to warm the rooms in your home. But as soon as the temperature received in order is reached, your thermostat will order the boiler stop. To make your system intelligent, the thermostat is the central element on which it is necessary to act. This is why Silumen offers youBuy a connected thermostat, to move to a system of Connected heating For more comfort and economy.

    What is a connected thermostat?

    The connected thermostat is an intelligent device that allows you to remotely control your system. It has Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity that allows you to connect from your smartphone. Via an application, you can then program it or control it in order to obtain a specific level of heat in one or more parts of your home. With an artificial intelligence, it can memorize your heating habits in order to operate independently. It also collects many data that can be geographic or weather in order to buy you as much comfort as possible. He moved to boilers, whether gas, electricity or fuel oil, on radiators, but also on heat pumps.

    How does an intelligent thermostat work?

    Apart from connectivity, a connected thermostat works roughly like the classic thermostat models. This connected object Allows you to regulate heat in each room in your home. But a connected thermostat has much more features than unconnected thermostatic valves. The features of the new intelligent thermostat go far beyond the simple activation or deactivation at will of the boiler.

    Geolocation at the service of your comfort

    Connected thermostats can be connected by internet to your smartphone and that of your life partner or those of other family members. He can therefore know your position in real time thanks to geolocation, and adjust the heat accordingly. It can thus be triggered according to your requirements as soon as you move to your home. Some models are equipped with presence sensors and can therefore trigger the boiler as soon as you put your foot at home.

    Remote control

    At Silumen, you can buy a thermostat connected to WiFi connection which offers you the possibility of controlling it remotely. From a beach to the other side of the world and enjoying your vacation, you can always check that your partner has turned the boiler well before going to the supermarket. Returning from the office, this feature also allows you to trigger your boiler in time, in order to enjoy good comfort in your descent of the car.

    Artificial intelligence at your service

    Although with connectivity, these thermostats do not only work according to your commands. These are intelligent thermostats endowed with a memorization capacity. Thanks to artificial intelligence, they can understand and record your preferences. Some models offer an automatic mode that you can customize. Over time, your device learns and adapts to your actions to provide you with the ideal heat at the desired moments in your home.

    The collection and use of meteorological data

    Some thermostats can use the internet to connect to the weather stations. They can thus collect certain weather data to adjust temperatures accordingly. For example, they can use weather forecasts to trigger in time to anticipate a wave of freshness.

    Monitoring your consumption

    The energy consumption of a boiler is generally very important. The share of heating in the overall energy consumption of homes is around 67 % according to ADEME. With the application of your thermostat, you can follow your consumption in real time on your phone or by display on your connected device. So you no longer have a surprise when your bill arrives.

    How to choose my connected thermostat?

    Several brands and models are available on the market. At Silumen, you can Choose and buy a connected thermostat according to several criteria.

    The type of heating

    Intelligent thermostats are not compatible with all types of systems. The available models can often be installed only on a specific type of heating. You meet models for radiators, for boilers and even universal models. Depending on the type of boiler you have, you can choose the Connected thermostat for boiler that suits. You have the choice between the Connected thermostat for gas boiler where the Connected thermostat for water boiler. You can also opt for a Connected thermostat for electric radiator If you are equipped with radiators.

    Connection mode

    Connection mode is a parameter to take into account when you decide to buy a connected thermostat. If you do not choose the connection mode of your connected thermostat, you may be limited in the use of features. THE WiFi thermostats are the best connected thermostats available on the market. Their coverage radius is unlimited since they connect to the Internet thanks to a bridge. You can therefore control them from the application, regardless of your position. Connected thermostat models using Bluetooth technology limit the field of action. You cannot control them beyond a certain distance, about fifteen meters. It is therefore not the best thermostats for you if you plan to control them from the outside.

    The features of the best Silum's connected thermostats

    The proposed features are still not the same from one thermostat connected to another. Some models are for example compatible with the vocal assistant Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, while others do not offer this feature. Geolocation is not always available on WiFi connected thermostats. Some best connected thermostats have a presence sensor.

    Compatible applications

    If you already have a home automation installation, it is best to choose a connected thermostat which is compatible with the software of your box. Thus, you will not have to install a new software, and this allows you to centralize the commands. It is therefore important to check the applications that can be used with your device. Always choose a cheap connected thermostat that can be checked from your old software or whose software can be easily installed on your smartphone.

    How to install a connected thermostat?

    Two fixing modes are offered with connected thermostats. Some models of smart thermostats are wired, while others are not.

    Installing a wired connected thermostat for electric radiator

    In the case of a wired connected thermostat, just replace the old with the new thermostat using the same wires. This type of device does not have a module. For its installation at home, start by removing the old device and then disconnect its electrical connections. Then fix the new one and make the electrical connections identically. Place the batteries and start it. Do not forget to connect a connection deck in a nearby socket when necessary, so that the device connects to the Internet.

    Installing a non -wired connected thermostat with module

    If you have decided toBuy a non -wired connected thermostat for your boiler, the connection is done directly on the boiler. In this case, a module is provided: it is the relay. It is the control device that is responsible for starting or turning off your connected boiler according to the data sent by the connected thermostat. For this connection, forget the power cables of the old thermostat and open the power box of your boiler. But before any manipulation, it is important to cut the current. So turn off the circuit breaker that feeds your boiler. You must then locate the atmosphere of the room thermostats, remove the shunt and connect the new connected thermostat. Finally, it is necessary to connect the relay of the relay.

    What are the advantages of the best smart thermostats?

    The use of a connected thermostat offers many advantages. In addition to being very economical, this device is easy to use.

    Save energy

    With a smart thermostat, you take control of your boiler from your tablet or smartphone. You can thus adjust the temperatures desired in each room with more details, and at specific times. There is therefore no longer any risk of overheating and waste. In addition, these devices work intelligently to limit energy losses, cutting your boiler at the right time. Finally, you can follow your energy consumption from your phone in order to make the necessary adjustments.

    A simplified implementation

    As we saw above, connected thermostats are very easy to set up. You generally do not need an external intervention to install and connect your equipment. Each cheap connected thermostat available on Silumen is provided with a guide that helps you put it without difficulty. Just have some DIY bases to do it. However, you can always use a heating engineer if you have difficulty facing installation. This professional will help you Place your cheap connected thermostat safely.

    A practical and easy to handle device

    One of the major features of an intelligent thermostat is the possibility of remote control from your smartphone. This functionality makes you easy to use your thermostat. In addition, dedicated software is very intuitive, and their handling does not take you much time. Automatic, geolocation, presence detection and others functions very much simplify the use of this control device. You are not going to get lost in the decryption of your large programming guides. The intelligent thermostat obeys you by the fact and the gesture. Even when you forget to turn on or turn off your boiler in time, it does it for you.

    A reduction in your environmental impact

    With the best thermostats like those connected, energy losses are limited. When you install an intelligent thermostat with a presence detector, your heating turns off automatically when your home is empty. Your environmental impact is then considerably reduced. By heating less, you reduce your CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

    Simplified troubleshooting

    With this device, your heating engineer is easier for troubleshooting your system in the event of a breakdown. Not very complex, these thermostats offer easier in terms of detection and correction of breakdowns. They have very few wires, which are also very easy to identify thanks to the colors used.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Un thermostat connecté est un dispositif intelligent qui permet de réguler la température d'un logement à distance via une connexion internet. Il existe plusieurs types de thermostats connectés, chacun étant compatible avec un ou plusieurs types de chauffage (chaudière à gaz, raidatuer électrique...). Voici son fonctionnement de base :

    1. Connectivité : Le thermostat se connecte à votre réseau Wi-Fi domestique, ce qui vous permet de le contrôler à distance via un smartphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur.

    2. Programmation : Vous pouvez définir des programmes de chauffage en fonction des horaires, des jours de la semaine ou selon des scénarios spécifiques. Par exemple, baisser la température la nuit ou pendant votre absence et la remonter juste avant votre retour.

    3. Adaptabilité : Certains thermostats connectés sont capables d'apprendre de vos habitudes pour optimiser le chauffage en conséquence, garantissant confort et économies d'énergie.

    4. Compatibilité : Il existe différents types de thermostats connectés adaptés aux divers systèmes de chauffage, qu'il s'agisse de chauffage central, de radiateurs électriques ou de systèmes de chauffage au sol.

    5. Retours et analyses : Beaucoup de modèles offrent des analyses et des rapports sur votre consommation d'énergie, vous aidant à mieux comprendre et gérer votre utilisation.

    Grâce à ces fonctions avancées, le thermostat connecté représente une solution moderne pour optimiser le confort thermique tout en maîtrisant sa consommation énergétique.

    Lors de la sélection d'un thermostat connecté chez Silumen, considérez les éléments clés suivants :

    1. Type de chauffage : Assurez-vous que le thermostat est compatible avec votre système de chauffage, qu'il s'agisse de radiateurs, de chaudières à gaz, de chaudières à eau ou d'autres types. Nous vous proposons notamment les types de thermostats connectés suivants :

    - Thermostats connectés pour chaudières

    - Thermostats connectés pour radiateur électriques

    - Têtes thermostatiques connectées pour radiateur à eau chaude

    2. Mode de connexion : Les thermostats Wifi offrent une couverture illimitée et peuvent être contrôlés à distance via internet, tandis que ceux utilisant le Bluetooth ont une portée limitée, généralement autour de 15 mètres.

    3. Fonctionnalités : Certains thermostats sont compatibles avec des assistants vocaux comme Google Assistant ou Amazon Alexa, possèdent un capteur de présence ou offrent la géolocalisation. Choisissez en fonction de vos préférences.

    4. Compatibilité des applications : Si vous avez déjà un système domotique, optez pour un thermostat qui s'intègre à votre logiciel existant, ou dont l'application peut être facilement installée sur votre smartphone.

    Il est essentiel de sélectionner un thermostat adapté à vos besoins tout en garantissant une bonne compatibilité et fonctionnalité.

    L'installation d'un thermostat connecté dépend de son type : filaire ou non filaire.

    Thermostat connecté filaire : Pour installer ce dispositif, retirez d'abord l'ancien thermostat et déconnectez ses fils. Installez ensuite le nouveau thermostat, en raccordant les fils de la même manière que l'ancien. Insérez les piles, allumez-le, et si nécessaire, branchez un pont de connexion à une prise proche pour la connectivité internet.

    Thermostat connecté non filaire avec module : Pour ce type, le branchement se fait directement sur la chaudière via un module fourni, appelé relai. Avant toute action, éteignez le disjoncteur de la chaudière. Ouvrez ensuite la boîte d'alimentation de la chaudière, repérez le bornier des thermostats, retirez le shunt et connectez le nouveau thermostat. Enfin, reliez l'alimentation du relai.

    Il est essentiel de toujours suivre les instructions du fabricant et de travailler en toute sécurité. Afin de mener à bien l'installation de vos thermostats connectés achetés sur Silumen, une notice explicative est fournie avec le produit.

    Un thermostat sans fil permet de réguler la température d'une habitation sans nécessiter de connexions filaires directes entre le thermostat et le système de chauffage. Il fonctionne grâce à une transmission radiofréquence ou par Bluetooth. Le thermostat, placé dans une pièce, mesure la température ambiante et envoie des instructions sans fil à un module récepteur (souvent appelé "relai") connecté à la chaudière ou au système de chauffage. Si la température est en-dessous de la consigne, le thermostat demande au chauffage de s'activer, et inversement s'il fait trop chaud. De plus, de nombreux modèles tels la gamme de thermostats connectés de Silumen sont compatibles avec le réseau Wifi, permettant ainsi un contrôle à distance via une application sur smartphone ou tablette.