Rectangular LED panels

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    The choice of a LED panel In his space is undoubtedly a relevant choice! The rectangular LED panels are luminaires that offer you an excellent value for money, they are easy to install and they are also very economical for a powerful light yield. This is why more and more LED Son employees panels in shops: we often find them in hotel halls, hospitals etc. It is a safe bet to illuminate spaces requiring both pleasant and efficient brightness. Also discover our 60x30cm LED panels or our 120x30cm LED panels.

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    Opt for Siluman rectangular LED panels to illuminate your professional premises

    The lighting of a large space, such as offices or a store, generally requires special lighting, specially designed for this purpose. Indeed, lighting solutions for domestic development, such as lighting suspensions or ceiling lights, are not enough to cover the brightness needs of these places in addition to not being optimized for this use. You therefore expressly need to opt for a luminaire that is both powerful, offers an excellent light yield and has a neutral design to dress premises of a professional nature. Despite these stricter selection criteria, there are nonetheless numerous luminaires. Silumen offers you in particular A wide range of rectangular LED panels in this context. This luminaire was specifically optimized for the lighting of large premises.

    What is a LED rectangular panel?

    The LED rectangular panel is a type of light with a particular design, in the form of a fine rectangular slab. The light emanates from the entire surface of the panel thanks to the electroluminescent diodes (LED lighting technology) which it embeds. At Silumen, rectangular LED panels are part of a wider catalog of LED panels with various formats, enough to allow you to find your happiness. In addition, the unusual design of this luminaire allows it to provide powerful and uniform lighting, making the latter an excellent choice of lighting for places for professional use.

    The solution par excellence to illuminate large spaces

    By simple logic, the larger a luminaire, the more it lights up and the higher its light yield. Rectangular LED lighting panels are the perfect example. Their main attraction undeniably lies in their large format, a characteristic that makes these light tiles the ideal solution to illuminate large spaces such as an Open Space office, a hall or even hospital corridors. This design also guarantees them an optimal lighting angle of 120 °. Compared to simple ceiling lights or spots, rectangular LED panels produce more light.

    The power of LED lighting technology in action

    Rectangular LED panels are ceiling lights which take full advantage of performance, magic and Advantages of LED lighting technology. In itself, you don't have to fear that the light slab, however large, consumes a lot of energy. The use of electroluminescent diodes distributed over the surface of the light plate guarantees the light a minimal consumption despite the light intensity generated by the pavement.

    A lighting to multiply at will for an effective and optimal layout

    As they are, in most cases, expressly dedicated to lighting a large room, Rectangle -shaped LED panels generally settle in several. Admittedly, a single light pavement installed on the ceiling is able to cover a substantial area. However, to uniform cover the entire surface of a large space and guarantee optimal lighting to it, the installation of several rectangular LED panels is required.

    LED rectangular panels sold in pack

    To simplify your task, Silumen offers you its Rectangular LED tiles in the pack of several. Thus, according to your needs and according to the space to be developed, you have the choice between White rectangular LED panels sold in a pack of 2 or in pack of 8. The light pavers are also available in a pack of 3, 5 or 6 LED slabs depending on the desired format and dimensions.

    The characteristics of LED rectangular cobblestones available on

    Beyond the format they have in common, the signs Rectangular LED that Silumen offers you for cheap In its lighting catalog have technical characteristics specific to each model. You have the choice from a wide selection of LED tiles available in different dimensions, different electrical powers and different lighting colors.

    The LED rectangular panel of dimensions 120x30 cm

    For you who are looking for LED rectangular cobblestones Large in order to effectively illuminate your spaces, our rectangular LED panels of dimension 120x30 cm are made for you. These ultra-thin tiles 120 cm long by 30 cm wide guarantee you a satisfactory light yield at a lower cost. Silumen offers them in the pack of several rooms. For the development of a large space, you can opt for the Pack of 8 rectangular led panels 120x30 cm

    The rectangular LED slab of dimensions 60x30 cm

    In the event that you need smaller rectangular LED pavers, Silumen provides you with Best LED rectangular panels of dimensions 60x30 cm. Because you generally need several to cover all the hidden spaces of a large space, these light tiles are sold to you in a Pack of 10 LED rectangular panels 60x30 cm To avoid you place several individual orders. However, if you only need one, you can also buy the 60x30 LED slab by unit.

    Several lighting colors to choose from

    THE Rectangular LED panels that you can buy on Siluma are available in three different lighting colors. These are the three main white temperatures used in the universe of lighting, namely neutral white, faithful to natural light, cold white, slightly pulling towards blue for intense lighting and warm white, Ideal for creating a Cozy atmosphere. Choose the right lighting color temperature Depending on the space you want to equip with these LED pavers. In any case, remember to select the desired color before validating your purchase.

    The electrical power of LED rectangular panels

    Order rectangular LED panels, it is also to pay attention to the electric power of the luminaire, a crucial criterion in the choice of any type of lighting. The models you find at Silumen generally have a power of 48W for 120x30 cm dimensional panels and 30W for the Slim Rectangular Slabs of Dimensions 60x30 cm

    How to install rectangular LED slabs?

    Yes, a priori, Install rectangular LED panels May appear a complicated task, judging by the size and thin thickness of the slabs, it is actually a relatively simple operation to apprehend. You need, at first, determine the installation mode of the light tiles, to choose judiciously according to the situation. Three options are available to you.

    The embedding of rectangular LED panels in a false ceiling

    This is the method of installing LED cobblestones privileged in premises for professional use, in particular large office spaces in modern buildings. The LED rectangular panels are directly embedded in the false ceiling, giving a fluid and smooth appearance to the whole. Of course, it is necessary, to do this, to practice an opening to the dimensions of the luminous slab in the false ceiling, then to embed it using the fixing springs that you can obtain in the different LED slab embedding kits To be ordered separately on

    The projection installation of the rectangular LED pavers

    In the event that the ceiling does not allow the embedding of rectangular LED panels (hard concrete ceiling), you can opt, instead, for a protruding installation. This method consists in fixing an assembly medium to the dimensions of the LED panel, intended to accommodate the latter, to the ceiling. You can get the corresponding mounting media on Silumen. We offer you Installation kits protruding for 120x30 cm LED panels in pack of 5 or sold individually. Similar offers are available for LED pavers in 60x30 cm format.

    For installation per se, you must screw the support in the ceiling after piercing it in the right places and then slide the LED rectangular panel. You still have to connect the light slab to the electrical arrival by connecting the wires of the transformer supplied to the power supply.

    The suspension of rectangular LED slabs

    Hang the rectangular LED panels on the ceiling is also possible, failing to embed it in a false ceiling or in a protruding support. To carry out this installation, you need a LED slab suspension kit, available for purchase on The installation kit is made up of 4 steel suspension cables, supplied with the corresponding screws and ties, to be fixed at the back of the LED panel and on the ceiling. It remains to suspend the LED panel on the ceiling, at the location decided, and to connect it to the power supply via the supplied transformer.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    L'installation d'un panneau LED au plafond est une excellente manière de moderniser l'éclairage d'un espace, que ce soit pour un usage résidentiel ou professionnel. Voici comment procéder, en utilisant un panneau LED rectangulaire comme exemple. Ce guide intégrera les mots-clés principaux et secondaires pour vous assurer de suivre les meilleures pratiques.

    Étape 1 : Préparation

    • Choix du panneau LED : Sélectionnez un panneau led adapté à vos besoins. Les termes tels que panneau led rectangulaire, dalle led rectangulaire, et pavé led rectangulaire, se réfèrent à la forme du panneau, qui doit correspondre à l'esthétique et aux dimensions de l'espace où il sera installé.
    • Outils nécessaires : Préparez les outils nécessaires à l'installation, incluant perceuse, visseuse, niveau, mètre ruban, et éventuellement un détecteur de fils électriques dans le plafond.

    Étape 2 : Sécurité

    • Coupez le courant : Assurez-vous que le courant est coupé dans la zone de travail pour éviter tout risque électrique.

    Étape 3 : Marquage et perçage

    • Emplacement : Utilisez le mètre ruban et le niveau pour marquer précisément l'emplacement où le panneau led rectangulaire sera fixé. Assurez-vous que l'espace est approprié et qu'il n'y a pas d'obstacles pour l'installation.
    • Perçage : Percez les trous nécessaires pour les supports de montage selon les marques préalablement établies.

    Étape 4 : Montage du support

    • Installation du support : Fixez les supports de montage au plafond à l'aide des vis et des chevilles adaptées au type de plafond (béton, placo, bois).

    Étape 5 : Raccordement électrique

    • Connexion électrique : Connectez les fils électriques du panneau led rectangle au circuit électrique du plafond. Respectez les codes couleur des fils pour une installation sûre. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de comment procéder, il est recommandé de faire appel à un électricien qualifié.

    Étape 6 : Installation du panneau LED

    • Fixation du panneau : Une fois le support en place et la connexion électrique sécurisée, fixez le panneau led au support. Assurez-vous qu'il est bien en place et sécurisé.

    Étape 7 : Mise en service

    • Testez l'éclairage : Rétablissez le courant et testez le fonctionnement du panneau led. Ajustez l'orientation si nécessaire pour obtenir l'effet d'éclairage désiré.

    En suivant ces étapes, vous pouvez installer avec succès un panneau LED rectangulaire au plafond, apportant ainsi une lumière uniforme et moderne à votre espace. Les panneaux LED offrent une solution d'éclairage efficace et économe en énergie, idéale pour divers environnements grâce à leur design épuré et leur longue durée de vie.

    Le choix d'un panneau LED dépend de plusieurs facteurs clés qui influencent à la fois la qualité de l'éclairage et l'efficacité énergétique de votre installation. Voici comment orienter votre sélection :

    Taille et forme

    • Panneau LED rectangulaire : Ces panneaux, aussi désignés comme panneau led rectangle ou dalle led rectangulaire, sont parfaits pour les pièces allongées ou lorsque vous souhaitez diriger la lumière de manière spécifique. Leur forme s'adapte bien aux bureaux, cuisines ou couloirs.

    Luminosité et température de couleur

    • La luminosité, mesurée en lumens, doit correspondre à l'usage de la pièce. Un espace de travail nécessitera un panneau led plus lumineux qu'une chambre, par exemple.
    • La température de couleur est un autre critère important. Les panneaux LED offrent une gamme allant du blanc chaud (convivial et accueillant) au blanc froid (concentration et activité). Sélectionnez votre couleur selon l'ambiance désirée pour l'espace.

    Efficacité énergétique

    • Les panneaux LED sont réputés pour leur faible consommation d'énergie. Vérifiez l'étiquette énergétique et optez pour des modèles plus efficaces, ce qui réduira vos factures d'électricité à long terme.

    Durabilité et garantie

    • La durée de vie d'un panneau LED est un facteur important. Recherchez des produits avec une longue durée de vie garantie et prenez en compte les avis des utilisateurs et la réputation du fabricant.
    • Une garantie solide peut également être un indicateur de la qualité et de la fiabilité du panneau led.

    En considérant ces aspects lors du choix de votre panneau LED, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner le modèle le plus adapté à vos besoins. Que ce soit pour un éclairage général avec un pavé led rectangulaire dans une salle de réunion, ou un éclairage spécifique avec une dalle led rectangulaire dans un couloir, le bon panneau LED améliorera à la fois l'efficacité énergétique et le confort visuel de votre espace.