150 cm LED neon lights

5 products

    Because an efficient, economical and lasting lighting over time today becomes essential in a renovation project or just replacement of lighting, Silumen presents its range of 150 cm LED neon lights for your interior. Our 150 cm neon tubes are suitable for all types of uses, they will suit you perfectly, whether for your home or business room. Indeed, our 150 cm LED tubes Have a simple design that will blend perfectly with your decor, but LED technology promises powerful lighting that consumes much less electricity than other types of lamps. So don't wait any longer and buy your 150 cm neon Silumen at the best price to enjoy almost 20,000 hours of lighting per tube. Discover our wide range of LED Neon To meet all your expectations, with different types of neon lights such as 60 cm LED neon lights where the 120 cm LED neon lights For example.


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    Choose the LED neon 150cm Silumen for effective lighting

    To obtain a satisfactory light in your professional premises, opt for the latest generation of LED Neon. This industrial lighting Replaces the old fluorescent tubes which are energy -consuming and unsustainable. Silumen provides you with a selection of 150cm LED neon lights, To meet your lighting needs. You have the choice between several light colors and various models that are also available in packs to make all your spaces shine.

    THE LED neon 150 cm : a light for what type of room?

    Simple design and fine format of 150cm neon tubes allow installation in several types of places, and especially the fairly small areas in need of lighting.

    150 cm LED neon lights are an ideal lighting choice for large premises such as factories and garages. They diffuse a homogeneous light, efficient enough to effectively illuminate large areas. You can easily align them and install them on the metallic frames of a warehouse so obtaining a powerful light. You also have the option of buying 150 cm LED neon and installing them in your professional premises such as offices and meeting rooms.

    150cm neon tubes can also be used throughout the house. If you want to opt for an industrial decor, or just want a light that easily adapts to the style of your interior, Silumen advises you to Choose the 150cm LED neon. Fix it directly above your worktop in the kitchen for better visibility. Combine your 150cm LED neon with a IP65 waterproof rule To be able to install it outdoors or in your bathroom, near the shower tray.

    For what Opt for the 150 cm LED neon tube ?

    Buy LED neon lights 150 cm Silumen is to take advantage of various advantageous characteristics. They have a wide angle of lighting varying from 120 ° to 180 ° so that you can use them as a main start. Thanks to these, you enjoy a homogeneous and harmonious light throughout the room.

    You also benefit from all Advantages of LED technology By giving you our 150cm LED neon lights. They have a good color rendering or IRC (RA80), that is to say that they faithfully reproduce the color of the objects around us. In addition to efficient lighting, 150cm LED neon lights are durable, with use that can exceed 20,000 hours. This translates into several years of light without having to replace them, and long -term savings.

    The 150 cm format has been designed to be able to distribute the light of the neon LED tubes over a fairly long length and improve the homogeneity of your lighting. Discover all the advantages of using the 150cm Silumé neon tubes, including its lighting colors, the available powers and luminosities, as well as the different models available.

    150cm neon tubes replace fluorescent tubes

    THE 150 cm LED neon lights Siluma are perfect for replacing your old fluorescent tubes if you are looking for a more advantageous alternative. They light up immediately at full power to allow you to enjoy your light instantly. Their best light yield (± 90 lumens per watt) indicates that 150 cm LED neon lights produce the same light intensity for much lower electricity consumption. Another asset of 150cm neon tubes is their longevity that prevents you from frequently replacing your lights.

    The replacement of your old fluorescent tubes is very easily done if their length is 150 cm. In this case, do not hesitate anymore and Opt for 150 cm LED neon lights Siluma!

    150 cm LED neon: a lighting solution, 3 light colors

    To allow you to find the light you need for any type of interior, the 150 cm LED neon lights are available in 3 lighting colors, including hot white (2300k - 3500k), neutral white (4200K - 5500K ) and neutral white (6000k - 8000k).

    If your goal is to install a warm and friendly atmosphere in a room, the 150 cm neon tubes White hot are advised. The light in yellow tones they diffuse are perfect for installing a relaxing atmosphere in a room.

    The lighting of 150 cm LED neon lights neutral white comes closer to daylight. This is the ideal variation to choose if you want to bet on simplicity. Among the 3 lighting colors available, light in neutral tones is a popular choice: it has a better representation of colors than warm white LEDs and tires less with cold light.

    Finally, for a better representation of colors in a showroom or an art gallery, it is better to choose the 150cm LED neon lights White cold. The bluish reflections of this version are perfect for obtaining lively and powerful lighting and to create a rather dynamic atmosphere.

    Two models of 150 cm LED neon

    Siluma 150 cm LED neon lights are available in two separate models, to choose according to your power needs and preferences.

    THE 150cm t5 neon tubes have a diameter of 16 mm and a G5 cheek composed of two spindles spaced 5 mm. The T5 models are light and are directly supplied with their support because they have a specific (non -standard) device. 150cm neon tubes generally consume less electricity than the second model (T8). Of the T5 LED neon accessories are available on Siluma to allow you to complete several types of installations.

    THE LED neon 150 cm T8 is the second model available on Silumen. It is wider than the T5, with a diameter of 26 mm and its G13 base is provided with two pins apart of 13 mm. To be able to take advantage of your 150 cm LED neon, it is necessary to get a rollery whose role is to host and protect it.

    The other advantages of the 150cm Silumé neon tube

    For a more environmentally friendly lighting solution, opt for LEDs 150cm Silumen. They are made without mercury and polluting gas, and are more easily recyclable than their traditional alternatives (halogen, fluorescent). Like any LED lighting solution, they operate under low temperatures to promote electrical safety. A 150cm LED neon is mainly made up of aluminum and polycarbonate, robust materials that have been carefully selected to offer you a robust and durable lighting solution.

    You can find the 150cm neon tubes under several powers (from 20W to 50W) on our site. Also choose between several light intensities ranging from 1600 to 4,500 lumens. To choose the 150 cm LED neon suitable for your room, we invite you to read our guide on light intensity.

    The connection of the LED 150 cm neon lights is done in 220V and they do not require a transformer. Its diet is carried out on both ends.

    You have Bought LED neon lights 150 cm : How to install them?

    Before installing your 150 cm neon tubes, it is necessary to cut the current for your safety. Then check that they are compatible with your ballasts in length. Once the current has been cut and the compatibility of your ballast checked, remove the latter as well as the starter to install a 150 cm T8 LED neon. Install it by rotating it by 45 ° so that it is properly fixed. There is no need to remove the ballast if you have chosen a 150 cm T5 neon tube. You just need to put it in its location and fix it by rotating it by 90 °.

    The last step in installing the 150 cm LED neon lights is to put the current back to check that they are working properly. If one of your 150 cm neon lights is defective, Silumen has a 2 -year warranty on all its products to allow you to exchange it.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    La consommation énergétique des néons LED de 150 cm dépend essentiellement de leur puissance. Cette spécificité est importante car ces tubes LED sont disponibles en diverses puissances, permettant ainsi de répondre à une large gamme de besoins d'éclairage.

    Voici un aperçu de la consommation pour des néons LED de 150 cm selon deux puissances couramment utilisées :

    • 16W : un tube néon LED de 150 cm de 16W a une consommation d’environ 16 kWh pour 1000 heures d’utilisation. Cette option est généralement privilégiée pour des applications où une lumière modérée est suffisante.
    • 24W : un néon LED 150 cm de 24 W consommera quant à lui 24 kWh pour 1000 heures. Ce type de tube est adapté pour des espaces nécessitant une luminosité plus forte, comme des cuisines ou des bureaux.

    Pour optimiser à la fois l'éclairage et la consommation énergétique, il est recommandé de choisir la puissance du tube néon LED de 150 cm en fonction de l’utilisation spécifique prévue. Ainsi, vous pouvez commander ou acheter le tube néon LED adéquat pour vos besoins.

    Les avantages d'un néon LED de 150 cm par rapport à des néons LED de plus petit format sont multiples et significatifs. Voici quelques points clés illustrant pourquoi choisir un tube néon LED 150 cm peut être particulièrement bénéfique :

    • Éclairage uniforme et continu : un tube de 150 cm offre une diffusion de lumière plus large et plus uniforme. Cela le rend idéal pour éclairer de grandes surfaces sans créer de zones d'ombre, contrairement à des tubes plus courts qui pourraient nécessiter plusieurs unités pour couvrir la même zone.
    • Moins de points de raccordement : avec un tube plus long, le nombre de points de raccordement nécessaires est réduit. Cela simplifie l'installation et diminue les risques de défaillance au niveau des connexions, assurant une plus grande fiabilité et une meilleure continuité de l'éclairage.
    • Efficacité énergétique : les tubes néons LED de 150 cm sont généralement très efficaces en termes de consommation énergétique, offrant une luminosité importante tout en conservant une faible consommation d'énergie. Cela se traduit par des économies sur les factures d'électricité et un impact environnemental réduit.
    • Durabilité accrue : les néons LED ont une durée de vie plus longue que les tubes fluorescents traditionnels, et les modèles de 150 cm ne font pas exception. Cette durée de vie prolongée minimise les besoins de remplacement et réduit les coûts de maintenance.
    • Flexibilité d'installation : bien que plus longs, les tubes de 150 cm offrent une flexibilité similaire à celle des modèles plus courts en termes de montage. Ils peuvent être installés sur des plafonds, des murs ou utilisés en suspension, offrant ainsi une polyvalence adaptée à divers environnements.
    • Amélioration de l'esthétique : un seul tube long peut souvent donner un aspect plus net et plus moderne qu'une série de tubes plus courts, ce qui est avantageux pour des environnements comme les bureaux, les commerces ou les espaces résidentiels.

    En choisissant un néon LED de 150 cm, vous optez pour une solution d'éclairage à la fois efficace, économique et esthétique, adaptée à une large gamme d'applications. Que vous souhaitiez acheter, commander ou simplement vous informer sur les options disponibles, les tubes néon LED de 150 cm représentent un choix judicieux pour de nombreux projets d'éclairage.