Whale lights

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    So that your child can spend a night's sleep night every night, discover our pretty Whale night lights. Sleeping the light on is not good for the health of your little one and sometimes it may be it or it is afraid of total darkness. Then be in full serenity by offering one of our Whale -shaped night lights to your child. Light with a soft and relaxing light, they will help him find sleep and sleep like a baby more quickly. In addition, our selection of Whale night lamp is particularly decorative and will therefore dress your child's room with certainty. A wide selection of animal night lights is available on our site, go see them and then proceed to this useful purchase!

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    Why choose and buy a whale night light for my baby or my child?

    The whale night light is a good night companion for children. Its presence alongside toddlers can have many positive effects on their sleep. Silumen therefore offers you a Selection of the best Whale Balers In the form of this animal full of symbols, for the happiness of your children.

    Whale: an original animal -shaped night light

    A quality sleep is an important factor for the development of the child. Whether physical, cognitive or even psychic, sleeping well allows him to develop all his faculties. Paradoxically, falling asleep is a phase that can be difficult for the little ones. Far from their parents' warm arms, they need to be reassured. With a baby whale night light, your child no longer feels alone. The presence of this new friend can be very reassuring to fall asleep more easily. This animal -shaped night light nourishes the dreams of children and constitutes a real source of appeasement. The luminous whale night light is therefore an original companion who accompanies your child for a peaceful and soothing night. With its sweet light, it dissipates darkness while maintaining a light lighting which does not dazzle and which participates in the sleeping.

    For what age is the Whale night light ideal?

    Children's relationship in light or darkness evolves with age. Your child will not really be afraid of black during his first days. This fear generally occurs in children between 2 and 5 years old. Buy a whale night light for your child At that time would be ideal. He can even use it beyond this age. Without his night light, the child will have a feeling of insecurity due to the black that envelops him. Immersed in the silence of the night, some children have the impression of being abandoned in the hands of the monsters that prowl. This fear is accentuated by their inability to distinguish the objects that surround them, or even the meaning of the bed. This is where the use of a Eye -night light makes sense.

    With the presence of the whale night light, the child not only has the possibility of controlling his environment, but he also has the feeling of being alone. He can even use his baby night light In the shape of a whale to move to your room in search of your comforter, or even to get to the toilet at night when you wake up. To help him fall asleep, you can also use the whale night light to read a story. Later, when your child is able to read, the night light will also be a great reading companion.

    What does the whale represent in the world of children?

    The whale is an animal full of symbols for the little ones. Known as the largest mammal in the world to date, it fascinates by its size. It is also an animal with considerable power. It is therefore the companion and the protector that every child dreams of. Whale is also known as an harmless animal for humans. Unlike sharks, she does not attack humans. It therefore does not appear on the list of marine monsters which can frighten, but remains known as a friend of man and especially children. Several children's comics have also helped to promote the beneficent image of this animal that children appreciate very much as a protector.

    This mammal is also very appreciated for its form which makes it a good object of decoration in the world of children. Threatened by maritime pollution, but also by increasingly dense maritime traffic, the animal is increasingly needing the attention of man for its survival. Buying a whale night light to your child is also a good way to make him aware of the danger that watches this species. The whale is also known for the soothing character of her songs when she is giving birth to her young. This soothing melody associated with the whale calms it and participates in the child's falling asleep.

    What are the characteristics of the Silumen whale night light?

    Find the best whale night light on Siluma For your child. Our cheap whale night lights are of quality and have all the characteristics you need.

    A whale night light

    Our light whales have a battery power supply, which allows you to move them for more comfort and use. Your child can use the batteries As lighting for his night readings before falling asleep or to find a comforter or an object in his room.

    A blue light whale with a multicolored horn

    Blue light remains the softer one. This is why our night lights diffuse blue light. It is more relaxing and has beneficial effects on the awakening cycle - sleep of your child. The horn is multicolored and gives a more fun side to the whale.

    The height of the whale night light

    THE Cheap whale night lights that we offer you have a height of 11.8 cm. This height is ideal for your child to do it. With these dimensions, they are also able to diffuse sufficient light for your child's room.

    An IP20 protection index for internal use

    Even if our night lights are intended for the child's room, they must have a sufficient level of seal to resist dust and other elements. They therefore have an IP20, which is theprotection sign recommended for this type of use.

    What are the advantages of a light whale for a baby or a child?

    Getting a cheap whale night light for your child or your baby is essential for several reasons. This night light Help your child more easily find sleep in the evening. It is also used to reseller when it wakes up in the middle of the night. The light whale dissipates your child's fears and is an essential companion for safe and peaceful nights.

    The whale night light is also useful to you during your night visits to your child's room. With her, you no longer have to light the room lamp and risk scareing your child by checking that everything is fine. It is also useful to tell or read a story to your child to put him to sleep. It can even serve as a extra light for children to play or read.
