Decorated Christmas trees

19 products

    For your end -of -year layout, remember to have the essential part of your decor: the Christmas tree ! Artificial Christmas trees have taken the place in our homes by leaving the natural fir trees aside, for the lasting aspect in particular! Fall for our range of decorated Christmas trees, for a completed decoration from A to Z! Thanks to the complete kits of Christmas trees already decorated, you have all the elements to perfect your Christmas decor. We also offer you a whole range of Deco, small and colorful. Order Decorative mini trees and Small decorative trees To finalize your basket. Wake up the designer in you and surprise your guests with all these beautiful decorated fir trees!

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    Immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of ends with our decorated Christmas trees

    As soon as December arrives, the question of decorations concerns homes. Indeed, it is impossible to ignore the traditional Christmas tree during the holiday season. All the friendly moments take place around this decorative object. Parents put the gifts there for the attention of their children. This year, you want to adopt a different version of your tree. At Silumen, you have a Large choice thanks to our selection of decorated Christmas trees.

    Choice of Christmas tree: natural version or already decorated?

    This year, you don't want to get out of your cozy comfort to buy a Christmas tree already decorated. Fortunately, specialized sellers have a website to make a remote purchase. You receive your Christmas tree decorated directly at home. Faced with this plethora of offers, it is not easy to choose. From the start, you must make a choice between 2 options of Christmas trees: the naked version and the one already decorated.

    To avoid purchasing in the precipitation, it is preferable toBuy a Christmas tree already decorated a few weeks in advance. Indeed, stores adopt the Christmas theme at the end of November. Buying a decorated Christmas tree saves you concerns related to conservation and maintenance. However, to preserve this share of magic at Christmas, you must wait at least on December 1 to install the tree. Some even choose Saint-Nicolas to display their Christmas tree, while others opt for the winter solstice, namely December 21.

    The decoration of the tree is one of the beautiful moments to share with the family. To preserve this moment, many of us opt for the natural and naked tree. This leaves us the field free to buy the decorations. For its part, the decorated Christmas tree also brings together a lot of followers, for many reasons.

    What are the advantages of the decorated Christmas tree?

    Although the Christmas tree without artifices has assets, the Christmas Christmas trees have several arguments to their advantage. here are the great assets of Christmas trees already decorated.

    The possibility of quickly decorating

    When buying a decorated Christmas tree, you buy a complete kit that includes decorative objects, light decorations and the best decorated Christmas tree. This prevents you from making purchases in several steps. In addition, the branches of the fir trees are robust enough to accommodate your beautiful decorations. I'Purchase of an already decorated tree Do not prevent yourself from acquiring additional decorations. Between the crystal ornaments, the collectors and the glass balls, you are free to add the details according to your tastes.

    Time saving

    Your work takes your time and you don't have a free niche to indulge in the Christmas decoration. That's good, the decorated Christmas tree allows you to save time. The installation only takes a few minutes. So you can enjoy Christmas long before time.

    Money economy

    Compared to a natural version, a decorated Christmas tree represents a more economical choice. Indeed, the accessory accompanies you for several Noëls. It is considered an excellent long -term investment. The assembly and disassembly of the kit does not require any particular skills. When the whole is well wrapped, it is protected from degradations. To vary the pleasures, you can buy new decorative objects each year.

    The aesthetics of the Christmas tree decorated by professionals

    Sellers are increasing ingenuity to offer customers modern and complete decorations. For its part, the best decorated Christmas tree has a sophisticated and realistic design. The branches of our Deco are well filled to give a more real than life appearance. In addition, you can play with colors and shapes. This allows you to better integrate them into your interior decoration. Natural trees offer less choice in terms of shapes and colors.

    Easy maintenance

    With a cheap decorated Christmas tree, your living room is invaded by debris. During and after the holidays, it is necessary to regularly vacuum to clean the needles of the tree. With a decorated artificial Christmas tree, you take advantage of the holidays without worrying about these needle problems.

    Which little Christmas tree already decorated to choose at Silumen?

    Find the ideal Christmas decorated tree is not an easy exercise. You often want it to have a size suitable for your interior and its color is based in the decor.

    The size of the decorated tree

    An already decorated tree mainly provides a decorative role. If you like imposing fir trees, you should leave at least fifteen centimeters between the ceiling and the tree. If you like reduced versions, you find on Silumen Decorative fir trees, 20cm or 30cm, or Small decorative trees, 40 or 60 cm. Before Choose an already decorated Christmas tree size, you have to go through the following steps.

    If your living room has a low ceiling, we recommend orient yourself towards our Christmas trees decorated with a height of 180 cm. Is your living room or dining room smaller? In this case, we offer you the 120cm Christmas tree and the Christmas tree 150cm. Do you plan to install the tree as the center of the table? In a child's room? In your bedroom? In these cases, it is better to bet on a less imposing tree. The height must be below 120 cm, like the Decorative tree 61 cm For example.

    The choice of the location of the decorated Christmas tree

    Before choosing a particular size, it is advisable to Find the right place to place the best decorated Christmas tree. What room would you like to decorate with the tree? In the living room, he breathes a friendly atmosphere with the family. In the entrance hall, he surprises your hosts and encourages them to have a Christmas spirit. In the dining room, it strengthens the festive atmosphere during Christmas meals.

    The measurement of the space available for the Christmas tree already decorated

    Once the location is chosen, you must measure the Dimensions of the space available to place the already decorated tree. For this exercise, you need a stepladder and a tape. Make sure to leave a passage area in the room to avoid accidents. Then take into account the power supply source.


    The color of the tree already decorated

    The most conservative of us prefer to use the green Christmas tree. Indeed, this color recalls that of a natural tree. In addition, its classic design facilitates decoration. On the other hand, the artificial Christmas trees now adopt more daring designs.

    The golden Christmas tree

    This color brings an elegant touch to your living room. The golden decorative tree is synonymous with glamor. To strengthen its impact, it is important to play well with lighting.

    The red Christmas tree

    THE Red decorated Christmas tree Returns a festive atmosphere to the room. On the other hand, you must manage the decorations sparingly. The use of silver and white decorations is recommended with this color.

    The snow flocked tree

    THE Snow flocked decoration tree Reproduces the color of the fir tree decorated in its natural condition when it snows. This association between green and white gives a romantic touch to your Christmas decoration.

    A Christmas decorated fir with LED light

    Now that the question of size and color has been settled, places lighting. A decorated tree would be dull in the absence of light games. Currently, you have several creative options to dress your tree. THE Christmas luminous garlands present themselves in different forms and colors. Some have white colors only, others are multicolored. The most important thing is to create harmony between the tree and the lights.

    With a LED decorated Christmas tree, light garlands complete your purchase. This option prevents you from buying lighting separately. It is of course also possible to acquire the garlands separately. For a successful decoration, you need a Christmas tree skirt already decorated to store gifts.

    Opt for decorated fir trees

    Did you know that the French consume more than 5 million fir trees per year? The conservation of this natural version is difficult after the holidays. Therefore, they become outdated. You have to buy a new Christmas tree decorated for the next holidays. With the decorated Christmas tree, you no longer plan a budget for this purchase during the following years. With good conservation, it can last for at least five years.

    The colors of our decorated Christmas trees kits

    At the level of Color of our decorated Christmas tree kits, we offer trendy associations of the moment:

    - THE Silver and white tree kit is made up of an artificial decorated fir 120 cm in green color. It is accompanied by 17 pieces of silver and white balls to obtain a luxury decoration. For this offer, a Christmas hat accompanies the kit.

    - THE Blue and white decorative fir tree is made up of a Christmas tree already decorated in white. This offer is suitable for a part that has a high ceiling. The white color recalls the winter atmosphere at this Christmas time. For its part, the blue LED garland completes the pack.

    - THE Sapin Kit already decorated white and gold also represents a beautiful tribute to Christmas. It includes a classic green tree, a golden knot and a light curtain in a cold white tone.

    - apart from these color associations, you find other marriages relevant to the Multicolored decorative fir tree, the natural kit or the silver kit. It's up to you to choose the one that best integrates into your interior decoration.

    The style of the different decorated Christmas tree kits

    Every Christmas, you want to bring a different look to your living room. At Silumen, you can access the Most beautiful trends in Christmas tree already decorated.

    Nature style

    The trend is in natural style for a classic interior decoration. We recommend that you buy a Nature decorated Christmas tree To bring a natural and soft touch to your Christmas decoration.

    The Scandinavian style

    In recent years, the Scandinavian style has been essential in our interior. It is considered minimalist and modern. To respect the theme of your decoration, we offer our Scandinavian decorative tree pack, composed of a cheap decorated Christmas tree flocked snow. The silver butterfly knot completes the purchase. For lighting, the luminous curtain in warm white goes perfectly with the Scandinavian style.

    The size of the trees present in the decorative kits

    The decorated Christmas trees are available in several sizes: 120 cm, 150 cm, 180 cm at Silumen. To choose the right height, we recommend that you choose the location and take the necessary measures. Other smaller versions exist to decorate your Christmas table.

    Where to place my tree already decorated in the house?

    The ideal place to place the decorated Christmas tree is generally in front of a fireplace. However, not all households have this installation. To choose the ideal location, you must take into account the following points:

    - Traffic: your cheap decorated Christmas tree should not take up too much space. You and your guests must circulate freely around the tree.

    - Visibility: the tree represents the main attraction of your living room at Christmas. Make sure it is in an exposed corner.

    - Furniture: The installation of a tree often involves removing some furniture. If you cannot do without your furniture, opt for a version of Table tree decorated with Christmas flowers.

    - Natural light: When you opt for a large height, the tree may block the light. You must consider this point before choosing an imposing tree.

    Which Christmas tree decorated to choose according to the style of my decor?

    The Christmas decorated tree is designed to recreate a festive atmosphere at the end of year. In this sense, our Christmas trees are designed to adapt to all the decoration styles that you put in place during this party period. Between the family meal, the sharing of gifts and the smell of pine, your home is immersed in a warm atmosphere. If you opt for our decorated Christmas tree, do not forget to complete your purchase with scented decorative objects to reproduce this familiar smell of the holidays.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Un beau sapin de Noël est le centre d'attention de votre décoration festive. Voici quelques étapes pour réaliser un sapin qui éblouira vos invités :

    • Choisir le bon sapin : que ce soit un sapin naturel ou artificiel, assurez-vous qu'il s'intègre bien dans l'espace dédié tout en laissant de la place pour la décoration.
    • Installer les lumières en premier : commencez par le bas et travaillez en spirale vers le haut. Veillez à bien répartir les lumières pour qu'elles illuminent uniformément le sapin.
    • Sélectionner une palette de couleurs : optez pour 2 à 3 couleurs principales pour un look cohérent, que ce soit des tons traditionnels comme le rouge et le vert ou des palettes plus modernes comme l'or et le bleu.
    • Varier les ornements : mixez des boules, des étoiles, des anges et d'autres formes. Assurez-vous de bien les répartir pour éviter les zones surchargées.
    • Ajouter une guirlande : disposez-la en spirale du haut vers le bas, en la laissant tomber légèrement entre chaque boucle.
    • Finalisez avec une étoile ou un sommet : ce devrait être le clou du spectacle, alors choisissez quelque chose qui se démarque et complète le reste de votre décoration.
    • Inspectez sous différents angles : prenez du recul et vérifiez que votre sapin est bien équilibré de tous les côtés. Réajustez les décorations au besoin.

    Pour faciliter la réalisation de votre décoration de fêtes, Silumen vous propose également des sapins de Noël déjà décorés.

    Décorer un petit sapin de Noël nécessite une approche délicate pour maintenir une proportion harmonieuse. Voici quelques conseils pour réussir sa décoration :

    • Optez pour des mini-décorations : des ornements de petite taille mettront en valeur votre sapin sans le surcharger.
    • Sélectionnez des lumières fines : utilisez des guirlandes lumineuses délicates ou des mini-lumières pour donner de la brillance sans écraser le sapin.
    • Choisissez une couleur dominante : pour maintenir une esthétique cohérente, il est judicieux d'opter pour une seule couleur principale complétée par une ou deux couleurs secondaires.
    • Utilisez un sommet proportionné : une petite étoile, un ange ou un autre sommet adapté à la taille de votre sapin sera le couronnement parfait.
    • Répartissez uniformément les décorations : évitez les zones surchargées. Chaque ornement devrait avoir sa propre place.
    • Privilégiez une base simple : un petit tapis, une écharpe ou même du papier cadeau peuvent servir de base pour mettre en valeur votre sapin sans le distraire.

    Si l'idée de décorer un petit sapin semble intimidante ou si vous cherchez un gain de temps, Silumen propose une sélection de petits sapins de Noël et de mini sapins déjà décorés. De plus, certains de ces charmants arbres sont également lumineux, ajoutant une touche féérique à votre décoration.

    La couleur de votre sapin de Noël dépend de votre style personnel et des tendances actuelles. Voici quelques suggestions populaires :

    • Rouge et Vert : ces couleurs classiques symbolisent la saison festive. Elles évoquent la tradition et réchauffent l'atmosphère.
    • Or et Argent : ces tons métalliques apportent une touche d'élégance et de brillance à votre sapin.
    • Bleu et Argent : un combo chic et hivernal, rappelant les nuits étoilées et enneigées.
    • Blanc et Or : pour une décoration pure et lumineuse, évoquant la paix et la sérénité.
    • Rose et Doré : une touche moderne et pétillante pour ceux qui cherchent à sortir des sentiers battus.
    • Couleurs Naturelles : marron, beige et vert pour un look rustique et terreux.
    • Thème Arc-en-ciel : pour les audacieux, mélangez différentes couleurs vives pour un sapin festif et joyeux.

    Quelle que soit la palette que vous choisissez, assurez-vous de l'équilibrer avec des lumières et des ornements adaptés. Si vous cherchez davantage d'inspiration et de conseils, nous vous invitons à consulter notre guide complet pour décorer un sapin.