Winter is for some the best season of the year. This Snowflake garland 1.8M Blanche will illuminate your parties thanks to flakes with singular figures. For once, the garland can be more than decorating your Christmas tree, while giving off a noble look for your interior room.
The snowflake garland, elegant and original
There are a thousand and one ways to place the Snowflake garland 1.8m. Because it measures almost 2 meters, it can be hung near the portico of a house, a chalet or even on the ramparts of a staircase. You can also place this pretty garland along a railing. Its immaculate white revives the Christmas spirit and recalls winter beauty. You get a set of 6 flakes linked to each other to offer a simply unstable aesthetic.
A snowflake garland that stands out
If there is one thing that distinguishes the Snowflake garland 1.8m, it is indeed its singular design but also its quality texture. This garland is robust and stubborn enough to hang on to the walls. You just have to expose it to too much humidity so that it stays white as snow.
To find other ideas of Fir Garlands As trendy as each other, do not hesitate to take a look at Silumen.